Spook Spotter: Grave Surprises, Franken-Families and More!


Big Scare spook spotter

Ghastly Greetings, Boils and Ghouls!   We’re baaaaaaaaaaaack with some of the best products available for purchase this Halloween season.

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Grave Solution

Hands down, the best tabletop animated Halloween prop available this year can be found at The Home Depot.  (A similar prop is also available at CVS).  Behold, the rising Grim Reaper and tombstone!


Rising Grim Reaper Tabletop Animation

This beautiful, animated table-top piece is reminiscent of the old Telco Motion-ettes and the 1990s Gemmy line of animated figures.  It features a Grim Reaper that pops up from inside a gravestone.  When you push the button or make a loud sound, the Reaper will rise from the grave and utter eerie phrases of doom, accompanied by a soundtrack of haunting music and crashing thunder.  Not only do the Reaper’s eyes illuminate, the tombstone also puts on a fairly elaborate light show, probably intended to be lightning to go with all of that scary thunder.

There are also some other great items out there that we feel you have to know about, including a set of Wilton candy cake decorations featuring Frankenstein, the Bride, and their family.  These can be purchased at Target.  Another must-mention item is the Halloween party plate and napkin set that is available for purchase at Rite Aid.  Check ’em out!

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And let us know what cool products you have found this year by leaving a message in the creepy Comments section below!

Spook Spotter: Monster Mayhem


Big Scare spook spotter

It wouldn’t be Halloween without the Universal Studios Monsters and the General Mills Monster Cereals.  Therefore, today’s post is dedicated to these icons of the season.

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This year, there are a variety of Monster Cereals available.  The regular releases are available at most supermarkets, while Walmart has Family-sized boxes, and Target features boxes with exclusive artwork and a premium on the back of the box.  At Target, the boxes of Count Chocula, Boo-Berry, and Franken Berry all feature pieces of the Monsters’ Castle.  After you collect all of the boxes, you can glue the castle together.

Target is also carrying the extremely-delicious Count Chocula Treats this year.  CVS is another store that has them.  These are not widely available, so if you want them, get them as soon as you can.

Count Chocula and Count Chocula Treats

Count Chocula and Count Chocula Treats


Meanwhile, World Market is offering up Universal Monsters popcorn, candy bars, lollipops, and these vintage soda flavors.  The bottles feature Boris Karloff and Elsa Lanchester in their iconic roles, along with new takes on the famous slogans that appeared on the 1930s movie posters.  Even if the Bride soda features the slogan from the wrong film (“It Comes to Life” is from The Mummy), it is still awfully amazing to see these characters on pop bottles.  Share your World Market finds in the comments section below!

Universal Monsters Soda (World Market)

Universal Monsters Soda (World Market)


Halloween Treats: Spooky Pops at Drug Stores

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R.M.Palmer has long been the king of Double Crisp Chocolate and other nifty candy novelties for Halloween.  But, this year, they have debuted a creepy new addition to their spooktacular line-up of tricky treats:  The Double Crisp Spooky Pop.  The Spooky Pops are made of the crispy chocolate everyone has grown to love.  They come in three designs: Jack-O’-Lanterns, Vampires and Ghosts.  They are available at select drug stores and other retail chains.  Let us know where you find them!