Spook Spotter: Scary Halloween Miniatures from Michael’s


If you haven’t purchased your ceramic black Christmas tree from Michael’s yet, it’s probably too late.  The vintage-inspired tabletop tree from Mr. Halloween (Mr. Christmas) is reportedly gone at many locations across the country.  They have literally flown off the shelves.  But there’s still plenty of other goodies in store this year that are just as ghoulishly great.

Take for example, these Halloween Miniatures from the Tiny Treasures line.  These are the best ones ever released at Michael’s, and some of the best miniatures/Halloween village accessories ever created.

Tiny Treasures Michael's Halloween Miniatures Miniature Figures Village Accessories

Tiny Treasures Michael’s Halloween Miniatures


Ranging in price from $4.00 to $8.00, the miniatures are spectacular in detail.  A haunted carriage is one of the larger accessories you can purchase.  It is available for $15.00.

The best of the lot are the witch with the cauldron and the mysterious reaper with the crystal ball.

Tiny Treasures Michael's Halloween Miniatures Miniature Figures Village Accessories

Tiny Treasures Michael’s Village Accessories


These are selling fast, so head down to your local Michael’s and grab your favorites before they’re gone!

Tiny Treasures Michael's Halloween Miniatures Miniature Figures Village Accessories

Michael’s Halloween Miniatures

Spook Spotter: Masks and Vintage Decorations


Big Scare spook spotter

Halloween 2015 is brimming with creepy creations in all sections of the retail market.  From kooky candy to dastardly decorations, there is a lot to track down.  That’s why we’re here: to make the whole process scarily simple.

The following does not constitute an endorsement of any product or retailer.   It is for information purposes only.

Monstrous Masks

Over the past few years, Trick or Treat Studios has gone from a relatively unknown mask maker to Halloween royalty.  They have been able to secure deals with major property-holders, unleashing latex creations beyond imagination.  From Bela Lugosi’s Dracula to Michael Myers to King Kong, Trick or Treat has captured a significant corner of the Halloween market.  Three of the most exciting masks they are offering up are the Halloween III masks, pictured below.  As you can see, the Pumpkin, Witch, and Skull look nearly identical to the Don Post counterparts as they appeared in the original film.  Check out the complete 2015 catalog of creeps on the Trick or Treat website.

Halloween III Masks from Trick or Treat Studios

Halloween III Masks from Trick or Treat Studios

Beastly Beistle

Another giant of the Halloween season, Beistle, is finding new life in its century-old library of Halloween art.  It is re-releasing several of its old Halloween cutout and die-cut decorations.  From honeycombs to cardboard wall-art, Beistle hasseveral vintage reproduction decorations on its website.  You may want to check it out, especially if you are planning a vintage-themed Halloween happening.

Beistle Reproduction

Beistle Reproduction

Spook Spotter: Dollar Finds: Creepy Cloth


The following does not constitute an endorsement of any product or retailer.   It is for information purposes only.

There are a lot of options available to haunt the tables, walls and countertops in your home.  From black draperies to cheesecloth to patterned fabrics, the options for adding that extra bit of spookiness to your Halloween display seem limitless.  Recently, black and gray cheesecloth-esque materials, complete with strategically placed holes, have become big in the decorating world.  You have probably seen the stuff in a variety of catalogs, superstores, and Halloween specialty shops.  And some retailers have charged rather high prices for the material.  Now The Dollar Tree is offering its own option — Creepy Cloth.

This material is basically the same type of fabric you see in Halloween stores, but it’s only a dollar.  While specialty stores will charge about nine dollars for a package, Dollar Tree is offering it for a buck.  And while you certainly don’t get as much as you do at the other stores, purchasing a few of these packages will surely do the job you need done, and you probably will still end up saving.  But, in the end, you have to decide how much you need for your home and which option is the best for you.  As for us, one package from The Dollar Tree covered that one empty shelf that needed that extra bit of “Eek!”

Let us know what you think of this offering in the comments below!

And we will see you back here on Monday with all new content!

Spook Spotter: Disney Villains on Parade


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The mistresses of mayhem are on the loose this Halloween.  After a long absence, Disney’s most villainous ladies have returned in rather spectacular form.  The Disney Store is offering a variety of merchandise featuring their likenesses.  Maleficent, the Evil Queen, Ursula and Cruella de Vil are among the featured creatures.  Currently, Disney Stores are offering stationary, cards, plush, ornaments and figures of these Villains, as well as others.  (Two of these figures are pictured below.)

In addition, a special Designer Collection of Disney Villains will debut in September.  The crown jewel of this release is a six doll set featuring completely updated looks for the ladies of villainy.  You can read more information on this exclusive doll collection at Disney’s retail blog.

Remember, our daily Halloween updates begin Monday September 3.  We can’t wait to see you then!  In the meantime, tell us who your favorite Disney Villain is…  Add a comment below!

Welcome to the 2012 Halloween Season!

The following is for information purposes only.   We are in no way affiliated with the creators of any product nor do we recommend you purchase any product described herein.  Any opinions expressed in the following article do not constitute an endorsement of any product.

Welcome, old friends and new, to The Big Scare, the site that prepares you for all of the tricks and treats in store this upcoming season.  We have a variety of terrifying topics to cover, so let’s waste no time.

First of all, let’s discuss the posting schedule.  Throughout August, we will be sharing updates every Wednesday, the day upon which Halloween falls this year.   Beginning September 3, we will be posting each weekday, providing you with decorating ideas,  haunted histories, as well as links to some of the most interesting (and eerie) items available to purchase this season in our Spook Spotter.  But why wait ’til then?  There’s already a number of finds that Spook the Cat is waiting to dig his claws into…

Let’s start with the biggies.  Many of you enjoy collecting life-sized animatronic figures and displaying them around your haunted homes and personal cemeteries.  This year, we have heard about some interesting ones, including an officially licensed Wicked Witch of the West and a limb-ripping werewolf.  Both will be available at Spirit Halloween Superstores.

For those of you who enjoy the more quaint – and smaller – Halloween fare, we suggest you take a look at the new figures and buildings available from Lemax.  Michael’s Arts and Crafts stores already are displaying their Spooky Town items.  If you haven’t had a chance to see the display in your local retailer, you can check out the offerings here.

Now let’s give you some updates on past Spook Spotter items.  We previously announced the release of a Bride of Frankenstein model from Moebius Models.  That item is now available, and you can order it here.   Secondly, we mentioned another series of  Dark Shadows action figures.  Those have been delayed until 2013, but it looks as if they are still being produced.  We will keep you updated.  In addition, all of the Universal Monster items from Diamond Select and Mezco are on schedule, and many of them will be released this fall.  We will let you know when they hit shelves.

Finally, you have probably noticed some changes around here, aesthetically speaking.  We are pleased to announce that we have a whole new cast of characters who will be helping dismember… disseminate, rather… all of the Haunted Headlines.  You’ve already met Spook the Cat.  Look forward to hearing from his friends Luna the Wolf, Eek the Owl, Swoop the Bat and a whole slew of others who are just dying to meet you!

Well, that does it for this week.  Check back next week when we share some insight on tracking down great Halloween items at low prices!